
The Coroner for Ashland County is a public official elected to a four year term.  The Coroner's Department is on call every day of the year, all hours of the day and night.  The Coroner is responsible for determining cause and manner of death while investigating all deaths in the County in accordance with Wisconsin States Statute 979.

Determining identification of decedents, preserving evidence, and arranging transportation of deceased are among the many duties of the Coroner's Office.  The Coroner is also responsible for communicating with families, law enforcement, funeral directors, attorneys, physicians, and other necessary groups in matters relating to a death.  Also ordering and arranging for autopsies, and any testing that is determined to be necessary all fall within the Coroner's duties.  Other tasks of the Coroner are interviewing of individuals and agencies, obtaining pertinent background history of the deceased.  Obtaining and reviewing medical records, and dental records are sometimes necessary to assist in the investigation.  Preparing investigative reports and maintaining records are also vital parts of the Coroner's responsibilities.

Current Coroner's Background: Licensed Practical Nurse, D-ABMDI (Diplomat of The American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigation).