Economic Support
The Economic Support Unit provides a network of effective and equitable programs, which provide opportunities for economic self sufficiency and strengthen the bond between families and communities.
- ACCESS - Programs for Health, Nutrition & Child Care
All verification items should be sent to:
or Faxed to: 1-855-293-1822
Badger Care Plus - BadgerCare Plus is a health care coverage program for low-income Wisconsin residents. Children, pregnant women and adults may be eligible. Monthly income limits and more information can be found at Wisconsin Department of Health Services BadgerCare Plus.
Child Care Subsidy - The Wisconsin Shares child care subsidy program supports eligible families by funding a portion of the cost of child care while the parents are working or participating in an approved activity.
Food Share - FoodShare (food assistance) helps people with limited income buy food. You may be able to enroll in FoodShare if all of your family's income is under the monthly limit established by DHS. For current income limits visit FoodShare: Your Income Could Make You Eligible.
- Medicaid Programs
Are you a family looking for help paying child care or do you need more information about the Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy Program?
Would you like information or apply for Wisconsin FoodShare Assistance?
Are you or your family looking for health care coverage?
The Northern Income Maintenance Consortium determines eligibility for BadgerCare Plus, Medicaid, FoodShare and ChildCare Assistance for residents living in Ashland, Bayfield, Florence, Forest, Iron, Lincoln, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, Taylor, Vilas and Wood Counties.
- Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program
The Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) is available to help low and moderate income households with heating and electric expenses. WHEAP is a one-time benefit payment for each heating season beginning October 1 and ending May 15. The benefit is intended to help pay a portion of the heating costs and is not intended to cover the entire annual cost of the home heating bill. The amount of the heating assistance benefit depends on the household size, income level and household heating costs.
If you are eligible for heating assistance, you may also qualify for crisis assistance and the furnace repair or replacement program.
Please call 715-682-7004 during our regular office hours, Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
If you have a no-heat/furnace emergency after hours or on weekends, please call the Ashland County Sheriff's Department Dispatch at 715-682-7023 opt. 1.
Information on the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program
To inquire via email, send to
**The WHEAP program is administered by the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration**