Ashland County Farmland Preservation Program
***Ashland County is offering a limited sign-up bonus to eligible landowners who sign a new Farmland Preservation Agreement of $2,000 for agreements in the Fields, Waters, and Woods Agricultural Enterprise Area***
What is a farmland preservation agreement?
A Farmland Preservation Agreement is a 15-year contract between a landowner and the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection where the landowner agrees to 1) preserve their farm by keeping it in agricultural and open space uses and 2) to maintain soil and water conservation practices. In return, the landowner may claim the farmland preservation income tax credit.
What are some of the benefits of a farmland preservation agreement?
- Protect ag lands to support local dairy farms
- Continue to support the agricultural land base in order to increase growth and diversification of the local ag economy
- Educate the local residential community on common farming and conservation practices
- Promote practical land use planning to minimize conflicts between commercial, residential and agriculture
For detailed information on the Wisconsin Farmland Preservation Program, click here.
For the Wisconsin Farmland Preservation Program brochure, click here.