Ashland County Land Information
911 Address / Fire Number
Land owners can apply for an Ashland County 911 Address / Fire Number using the applications below.
911 Address Application for Nontaxable Lands
911 Address Replacement Sign Application
Find a parcel number and print a property map on the Ashland County Parcel Webmap.
For residents located in the City of Ashland, City of Mellen or the Town of La Pointe, contact the appropriate City/Town Hall for an address.
For address questions please contact:
Ashland County Highway Departmenthwyinfo@ashlandcountywi.gov715-274-3662Mail completed applications to:
Ashland County Zoning Department201 Main St. W., Room 109Ashland, WI 54806Lidar
Map Gallery
Ashland County Land Information Plan
Land Information in Ashland County.
Land information is central to county and municipal operations, as many essential services rely on accurate and up-to-date geospatial data and land records. A countywide land information system supports economic development, emergency planning and response, and a host of other citizen services. The Ashland County land information system integrates and enables efficient access to information that describes the physical characteristics of land, as well as the property boundaries and rights attributable to landowners.
Mission of the Land Information Office.
Over the next three years, Ashland County’s Land Information Office will provide geospatial data for the county’s planning processes, inform future land use decision making, partner with county departments to integrate land records, and improve public access to land records online.
Assessment Information
Cutting Permits
A Cutting Permit is required for cutting timber in Ashland County. Permits can be obtained from the Land Description office at no charge and are valid until December 31st of the year in which the permit was issued.
To obtain a permit, either call our office, or email us with the following information:
- Land owner's name whose timber is being cut
- Description of the property (Quarter Quarter with Section, Township, and Range is preferable)
- Name and address of individual or company who will be doing the cutting
Requirements to obtain a cutting permit:
- No delinquent taxes on properties being logged (current year taxes postponed to July 31 is acceptable)
Land Description Office
Ashland County Courthouse201 Main St W, Room 205Ashland WI 54806(p) 715-682-7003
(f) 715-682-7035
Jennifer Solberg,
Real Property Lister
Karen Mott,
Office Assistant
Links of Interest
- Groundwater Data (Well Records)
- Statewide Parcel Map Initiative Homepage
- Statewide Parcel Map Initiative Downloads
- Statewide Parcel Map App
- State of Wisconsin Cartographer's Office
- Wisconsin DNR Public Access Lands
- Wisconsin Historical Aerial Imagery - provides free online access to over 38,000 aerial photographs of Wisconsin from 1937-41.
- Wisconsin Aerial Photography Catalog - directory of historic Wisconsin aerial photography dating back to the late 1920's.
- Wisconsin Control Finder - provides a central point of access to over 28,000 control points and over 200,000 Public Land Survey System (PLSS) corner records in Wisconsin.
- Wisconsin OpenGeo Portal - geoportal that provides discovery and access to Wisconsin geospatial data, imagery, and scanned maps.
- WisconsinView - Access remote sensing imagery, Satellite imagery, and archived GIS data.
- Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau GIS Page - Locate legislators, view maps and download GIS data.
- WiDNR Open Data - Free resource for locating, viewing and downloading data developed and/or maintained by the Wisconsin DNR.
- WiDNR Surface Water Data Viewer - (SWDV) is a DNR data delivery system that provides interactive web mapping tools for a wide variety of datasets including chemistry (water, sediment), physical and biological (macroinvertebrate, fish) data.
- WiDATCP GIS - Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection GIS data.
- UW Digital Collection Wisconsin Land Economic Inventory - Historical Land Use Maps (The Bordner Survey).
- USDA/NRCS Geospatial Gateway - Natural Resources Conservation Service downloadable GIS data, including soils.
- Local ATV/UTV Regulations
- Zoning Ordinances